Venäläislaulajan povi vetää sanattomaksi

No huh huh!

Tämä nainen on venäläinen laulaja. Hänen laulujaan emme ole koskaan kuulleet, ja moni voi tässä yhteydessä sanoa, että mielenkiinnolla kuuntelisimme. Ovat nuo keuhkot nimittäin niin komeat. Tästä tietenkin feministiystävämme suuttuvat, mutta menkää nyt itseenne herran tähden.

Mitä Olyria tässä oikein esittelee? Kännykkäänsäkö? Ei. Kyllä hän poveansa tuppaa tarjoamaan esille. Siispä katsotaan. Nuolesta lisää kuvaa/videota.

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«A movie or a Play?» It sounds like the headline of some new adventure novel in which theatergoers fight with filmgoers for the right to call themselves “the most educated and highly cultured” But … wait a moment. This story seems to haunt us in real life. Еverywhere, at every turn, they argue about what is better: a movie or a theater. And it seems that this confrontation will never end: all the same, there will remain people who, with foam at their mouths, will call a movie «a cheap parody of art» while others will say that the theater «is an artificial way of calling oneself a bohemian» But, if you think about it, is it worth arguing about these things in the 21st century? I think the answer is obvious. Both theater and the cinema have their unique features. The theater works wonders, materializes spirits. Paid actors and actresses appear on the stage in such roles that they would not appear in the cinema (which is worth, for example, Ingeborga Dapkunaite – Prince Myshkin in "The Idiot") Even secular gossipers applaud after this, and leave the hall in shock. In the theater, the actor feels an incomparable sense of unity with the audience – direct contact. In a movie, everything is different. The main role that it plays in our lives is the reflection of reality in an entertaining way. But films and series do not just become a reflection of the existing reality, they largely determine this reality, dictate the fashion and rules of behavior. It is cinema that becomes the soil on which the dreams and fantasies of people of the twenty-first century sprout. It inspires new achievements, social forms and customs. We can always argue which is better: a movie or a play. We can convince the opponent that the movie only destroys the brain, hearing in response the words: «you really think that the theater is not?» But we need to understand one thing: in the modern world there is a place for both performances and films. And for every kind of art there is a fan. Personally, I enjoy visiting theaters and cinema and I think that if you remove one of these things from my life, it will be too boring. I am 100% sure of this Follow my art page @olyria_artpage

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One of the best compliments of all the time I’ve ever heard was : “ You are the first white lady I’ve ever meet with the body of a black women “ I was flattered. It was a compliment from my friend when I visited NY for the first time. At this moment I was used to be shamed by the curves I had. In Russia, almost all girls are slim . I used to think that I have to slim down , and then slim down again to look attractive. I could not relax during sex with my ex because I was thinking that he was not very honest when he was saying that he find my body attractive. I was thinking that he would prefer me to have smaller boobs or just be slimmer , but as he loves me as a person he had to “handle what he got “. All changed when I came to NY . There I saw many women with amazing curvaceous bodies who was carrying their beautiful self with confidence I really wanted to see in myself. Many of them were black, and the most confident (from my point of view ) were black women . I was amazed. And then I asked myself: if I think that they are absolutely stunning , why should I watch in the mirror with different eyes ?? I am amazing too? p.e.r.i.o.d. Follow my art page @olyria_artpage

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Soar in the sky, meet celebrities, be an actor or musician, or even turn into a unicorn. Of course, many of these things are completely impossible to do in real life, but … for this we have dreams! In them, we can become what we want, we just need to learn to control our mind and manage our dreams. “Do you think this is possible?” Any of you ask this question. And I will answer: why not? Our brain has unlimited abilities, many of which we do not even know. Scientists who have studied the experience of people who are engaged in lucid dreams have long compiled a list of tricks through which you can learn to control your dreams. The most important thing here is to train your brain so that you are, as it is right to say, almost in the mode of wakefulness. This can only be achieved after months of hard training. But, most importantly, it is generally possible! At Stanford and Harvard Universities, as well as at the California Institute for Combined Research, they proved that when people see lucid dreams, the brain's activity is activated and is close to waking. Scientists say that one who remembers his dreams after waking up has already taken an important step towards lucid dreaming. All that was left for him was to learn how to manipulate his mind: to talk in dreams on topics that he wants. To be honest, this topic haunts me. On the one hand, there are so many people who have already learned to control their dreams, and on the other hand, they are twice as many as those who claim that all this is utter nonsense. What do you think: is it possible to control your dreams? @olyria_artpage

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Teksti: Hymyn toimitus
Avainsanat: Olyria Roy


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