Natasha on Aasian seksikkäimpiä naisia

Instagramin glamourmallit ovat yhdistäneet voimavaransa. Heillä on kikka lisätä kaikkien kävijämäärää. Eräänlainen win-win-diili.

Homma tapahtuu siten, että jokainen suosittelee toista Insta-mallia omille seuraajilleen. Näin jokaisella on mahdollisuus saada enemmän kävijöitä.

Nytkin silmiin jonkun suosittelemana osui Natasha Yi -niminen glamourperho, jolla on jo kiitettävä määrä seuraajia: puolentoista miljoonaa. Eikä ihme. Onhan tämä Aasian ihme melkoisen upea ilmestys.


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50% of people fear they’re in the wrong job. 8 in 10 hope to do something else within the next 5 years. 40% would take a lower salary if they did a job they loved. 50% would move to another city. 40% would move to another country. 6 out of 10 are bored with their jobs. ??‍♂️?️?‍⚕️?‍??‍??‍??‍??‍???‍??‍??‍???‍???‍???‍???‍✈️?‍??‍⚖️ What about you❓ Tell me about your job. How did you get into this line of work❓ How long have you worked there❓ Are you happy❓ Or do you dream of something else❓ Is anyone staying in a job that sucks, but it’s good money❓ ?? On the other side, are you in a job that you love, but the money sucks❓?? Anyone that’s in a bad situation, do you have plans to get to that job that you love ❓ What do you think it will take to get there❓

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I was painting my make-up/wardrobe room and thought about Dexter over here. Many have debated that dogs don’t have souls. When it comes to dogs, I can’t help it. I believe in all of my heart that they all have souls. I know they do. ?? Then I thought about insects, so I looked it up. ? I found an article that was just published a day ago that claims researchers have evidence that insects feel pain just like humans do. With that said, is that possible that they have souls as well❓ Or is that all just getting too ridiculous to you. ??‍♀️ If you see a bug in your house, are you just going to squish it❓ ? I would rather fully end it’s life than just swat it and leave it bc I don’t want it to be in pain. After reading that research, I feel horrible the times I left a bug struggling or under a cup. Do you feel bad❓ Do you think a life of an insect is less important than humans or animals❓??‍♀️ ? btw I ended up painting over the pink wall. Wasn’t the right color lol ??‍♀️

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Teksti: Hymyn toimitus
Avainsanat: Natasha Yi


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